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I ♥ Apple

Too much loving a fragrance made me feel so colorful, different, and confidence I still use a unique fragrance for every thing around me For my laundry For my bag For my perfume For my ever single thing i have Fragrance has a big impact for human Someone can be influenced by it Their personality also can be seen by their fragrance Sometimes, it expresses someone's status It also expresses their characteristics Bring the unique part of their personality This is why, i choose Apple Yes, Apple fragrance it's not a brand, it's not a macbook This is the real apple that may be you bit and chew right now. Apple is unique. The fragrance is easy to find and different with another one. It brings the peace- situation into a chaos situation. when it spreads out, the effect is so clear, bring the peace to your soul and brighten up your mind. Apple, especially for the- green and Fuji apple. Both of them are delicious, friendly texture and you know guys? The...

Adaptation: Hard. But you can do it and pass it. (I)

Sebenarnya saya bukan dengan sengaja menge- post tulisan ini. Tapi lebih kepada perihal iseng. Taukah anda? Ini merupakan salah satu tugas Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi mengenai tahapan adaptasi budaya. Namun, mengapa saya iseng? Jawabannya mudah. Ini karena saya merasa bahwa ada yang harus dibagikan kepada orang lain. Ada sebuah pencerahan, penjelasan, kenapa sih seseorang dapat terjangkit "culture shock"? Kenapa sih adaptasi terasa begitu berat? Apa sih yang harus diperbuat? Yah setidaknya ada hal yang dapat kita peroleh. Mengapa ada komunitas- komunitas homo dan lesbi? Mengapa kita dapat berubah dari glamor ke sederhana atau bahkan sebaliknya? Mengapa twitter dan media- media jejaring sosial berkembang begitu pesat hingga menjamur dan bahkan membudaya? Mengapa semua orang seolah terkena demam Blackberry? Alasannya hanya satu menurut saya, bahwa ini semua berasal dari suatu hal yang pasti kita lakukan: ADAPTASI Ini hanya sebuah ulasan dengan sebuah contoh berdasarkan teori da...

Adaptation: Hard. But you can do it and pass it. (II)

The Holiday Tanggal Rilis : 8 Desember 2006 Genre : Komedi, Romance Sutradara dan penulis : Nancy Meyers Dibintangi oleh: Cameron Diaz sebagai Amanda Woods Kate Winslet sebagai Iris Simpkins Jude Law sebagai Graham Jack Black sebagai Miles Berawal ketika seorang wanita London yang bekerja sebagai penulis artikel di pernikahan di sebuah agensi surat kabar, dia bernama Iris Simpkins. Selama ini dia jatuh cinta kepada seorang rekan sekantornya, Jasper Bloom. Namun seperti petir yang menyambar di siang hari, tersiar kabar bahwa rekannya tersebut bertunangan dengan rekan kerjanya yang lain dan akan segera menikah. Hal ini membuat Iris patah hati hilang rasa penghargaan terhadap dirinya sendiri. Dia menangis sepanjang hari dan merasa bahwa dia harus mencari suasana baru yang dapat membuatnya melupakan Jasper. Di sisi lain, di Los Angeles, seorang wanita yang bekerja sebagai pembuat movie- trailer, Amanda Woods baru saja mengak...

crispy crackers - lemon tea

Guess what i've been felt this afternoon! well, i'm not too sophisticated on expressing idea, but i hope, i'm credible on delivering my idea in the way i am. Have you ever feel like picky or something forces you to be preppy? Hmm, today i tried to be someone that egotistical, unsociable, and also care of nothing. That was really hard, i confess it. First, i do everything i want without giving any attention to the people around me. That was simple and may be i'm expert on doing it. Second , I cooked apple- fried rice, i swept my room and giving apple aromatic fragrance to my room, spread the perfume and also read the book, Ciao Italia! Third, I watched a lotta DVD and make my self comfortable just the way i am. Well, it's so boring. i confess that those were so"crispy". When everyone try to be friendly to each other, i tried to be selfish and busy on my own business. What a frigid creature i was. You know? I was not really the way i am. I was just try...

8 Meteoroids ♥

Guys, have you ever feel like under pressure, getting so stressed and feel no battery and there is no charge station surrounding you? Yes a lil bit the same with me, and i have felt the same. I text this article is not because i wanna share my experience only, but i also make sure that sometimes what you think it's not good for you at the beginning, is very useful for today, tomorrow and your future. Yes, trying to love and understand what you have chosen. Before you take another decision, just think deeply and let your heart decide it. Okay, i know you'll say that i am rather not normal, i'm so overload of hilarious, etc. May be, i'm just having an happy experience of being the part of Communication UI 2010. Yeah, before i got into Communication UI, i never imagined that i would have (a lot of) experiences, knowledge, friends, stories, landscapes and everything new based on my self- experience. They combined into a bounding and pushed my personality, my appe...

Two- Cute Angels have stolen my heart!

♥ they are angels and my saviour ♥ Sounds exaggerating, but it's interesting to see outside the windows just making sure that my youngest sister and brother are fine there. They are really cute and they are smart. Their cheeks, their laughs, their jokes, their attitudes always rejoice. Their cute smiles, their pampering, what a lovely angel. Sometimes, i find scariness in their faces when they see the lightening and hear the storm. They hide their ears under the pillows or blanket. They may be hug me or my mom to make sure that they are safe! They love to try everything new in daily life, their curiosity are unbeatable. Often, they try to turn on the gas stove, try to ride the mini- motor, or cut everything surrounding them by a hug- scissor! Actually, my sister has cut her own hair when she was 3 y.o ! My youngest sister, Nabila is really- really beautiful. She has a pair of tomatoes- cheeks! She is totally like "bule". She loves singing so much. Her favorite song is C....

My Agro- Recreation

Hi fellows. I actually didn't plan to have any recreation, but my father wanted me to accompany him on an occasion like visiting an agro- recreation place in Banguntapan, Yogyakarta a week ago. You have to visit there someday. Look at the flowers, dear ♥ I made a poem and in my real opinion, it was so hard to make this poem, but may be it would express how much i love this place: turun dari tempatku semula, bahkan tak terbayang segores pun tentang : " what will i do there?" "what will i probably capture?'" "what will i get and what will i learn?" sekejap. selangkah demi selangkah tak ada yang buat mataku berhenti memandang mengagumi memuji men- capture segala yang kulihat. naluri berkata= i hearth the earth and this place is such a little path of the earth You Rock, Almighty. There are too many things that i loved. The smell of the air, the view from any sight was really natural, i bet my rabbits love to stay here, i imagine how they run and play ...

Cooking Day- Part 5

Girl's Stuff! Sometimes, we will feel bored of a usual meat. So, I try to make a new variant. Milk sauce as the eccentric addition but I guess it will be nice taste. Come on; prepare your stove, gals! Ayam saus Susu Ingredients: 1. Daging ayam bagian dada 2. Mentega 3. Kangkung diiris tipis secukupnya 4. Garam secukupnya 5. Olive oil 6 . Adonan saus: - Mentega 2 sdm - Bawang putih dicincang - Tepung terigu 2 sdm - Susu cair 500 ml - Keju cheddar potong - Lada hitam bubuk - Sedikit garam - Sedikit gula Steps: 1. Lumuri daging dengan mentega, kangkung, garam, dan olive oil 2. Grill daging ayam yang telah dibumbui sampai warnanya kekuningan. 3. Setelah matang, tiriskan. 4. Untuk adonan saus, panaskan mentega. 5. Tumis bawang putih yang telah dicincang 6. Masukkan tepung terigu dan susu cair. 7. Tambahkan keju d...

Cooking Day- Part 4

Girl's stuff! Hi! This season is World cup fever guys, isn’t it? So, let’s come on make a ball of world cup on our menu today. This will be a kind of desert. Are you ready guys? Waka- waka eh eh, it’s time for Africa! J Pudding Bola World Cup Ingredients: 1. Adonan sirup caramel - Gula pasir - Air putih - Perasan lemon 2. Adonan pudding - 1 bungkus agar- agar - gula pasir - 500 cc susu cair - 250 cc air putih 3. Melon utuh 4. Kiwi, blueberry, strawberry, lecy (dapat diganti dengan buah lain yang tidak lembek) Steps: 1. Untuk sirup caramel, cairkan gula pasir pada Loyang panas sampai coklat dan tambahkan air putih secukupnya 2. Tambahkan perasan lemon 3. Tunggu hingga mendidih, matikan api. 4. Untuk pudding, campur 1 bungkus agar- agar dengan 1 sdm gula pasir 5. Panaskan susu cair dan air putih, kemudian masukka...

Cooking Day- Part 3

Girl's stuffs! This is a kind of mix- food. You can try this to anticipate people who not too like the shrimp. You can mix chicken with shrimp. Just follow your sense to make this. Wish you luck, baby girl! J Udang Selimut Ayam Ingredients: 1. Adonan selimut - Bawang merah 6 butir - Bawang putih 3 butir - Cabe merah 2 buah - Ayam cincang 250 gr - ½ sdt ketumbar halus - ½ sdt garam - ½ sdt lada puith - 1 butir telur - 1 ½ sdm tepung terigu 2. Udang galah yang telah dibersihkan Steps: 1. Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, dan cabe merah 2. Masukkan bumbu halus ke dalam daging ayam cincang 3. Tambahkan ketumbar halus, garam, dan lada putih ke dalam adonan 4. Tambahkan 1 butir telur ke dalam adonan, diikuti dengan tepung terigu 5. Aduk dan campur adonan. 6. Selimuti udang dengan adonan daging 7. ...

Cooking Day- Part 2

Girl's stuff! Hello, this time I want to cook something different because my father planted a lot of Kangkung behind my house. Yes, it is a coincidence! I get an idea from Chef Fara Quinn, so that I cook this one: Sotong isi Kangkung Ingredients: 1. Adonan - Kangkung secukupnya (2 unting) - Roti gandum 1 slice - Minyak wijen 1 sdm - Lada putih secukupnya - Garam 1 sdt - Wijen secukupnya - Olive oil 1 sdm 2. Kulit - Cumi- cumi (sotong) yang telah dibersihkan Steps: 1. Campur kangkung dan roti gandum yang telah disobek- sobek. Haluskan dengan penghalus. 2. Tuangkan 1 sdm minyak wijen ke dalam adonan, serta lada putih secukupnya. 3. Taburi dengan 1 sdt garam serta wijen secukupnya. 4. Terakhir, tambahkan olive oil 1 sdm 5. Masukkan adonan ke dalam perut sotong 6. Jepit dengan lidi agar adonan isi tidak keluar 7. Kemudian kukus 15 menit 8. A...