Guess what i've been felt this afternoon! well, i'm not too sophisticated on expressing idea, but i hope, i'm credible on delivering my idea in the way i am.
Have you ever feel like picky or something forces you to be preppy? Hmm, today i tried to be someone that egotistical, unsociable, and also care of nothing. That was really hard, i confess it. First, i do everything i want without giving any attention to the people around me. That was simple and may be i'm expert on doing it. Second, I cooked apple- fried rice, i swept my room and giving apple aromatic fragrance to my room, spread the perfume and also read the book, Ciao Italia! Third, I watched a lotta DVD and make my self comfortable just the way i am.
Well, it's so boring. i confess that those were so"crispy". When everyone try to be friendly to each other, i tried to be selfish and busy on my own business. What a frigid creature i was. You know? I was not really the way i am. I was just try to be expert on acting at the front stage as i wish to be in the aim. I prove my self that human is the most complex creature in this world. We try to be honest to ourselves at the backstage, we often use our masks at the front stage, so that how come, someone else can understand our idea if the matter is like that? It's hard when we are keeping our image so tight, well just don't make any riddle or somewhat jiggle for yourself.
Be honest to yourself first, be honest to your friends, family and also your boss, and of course your boyfriend or girlfriend. If we live in the reality throughout the days like my experiment above, I guess we'll get over- stressed, no hope, and so sour, just like "crispy- crackers". It is rough, smell ordinary, less of sugar, and the taste is far from "special".
For the opposite, i love to say that we are all be better if we live like the "lemon tea".
First, lemon tea expresses our characteristics. There are sweet, sour, and also bitter. In the reality, i can make it sure that sometimes, we are nice, sometimes annoying, and not everyone like to meet us, right?
Second, lemon tea is a beverage, by mixing the tea and also the lemon. Ut shows us that no one can not not depend. Human needs another help from the other human, say that we are sociable creature.
Third, lemon tea is adaptable, it can be cold or may be hot, so that human has to be adaptable on accepting something. It is suitable for any occasion. So that we have to be flexible, depend on the time and situation.
Well, and now i wanna scream outloud:
Mom, i miss your lemon tea..

i just got a nice quotes from fashion world:
"Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable"
-Coco Chanel-
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