Hi fellows. I actually didn't plan to have any recreation, but my father wanted me to accompany him on an occasion like visiting an agro- recreation place in Banguntapan, Yogyakarta a week ago.
You have to visit there someday. Look at the flowers, dear ♥
I made a poem and in my real opinion, it was so hard to make this poem, but may be it would express how much i love this place:
turun dari tempatku semula,
bahkan tak terbayang segores pun tentang :
"what will i do there?"
"what will i probably capture?'"
"what will i get and what will i learn?"
selangkah demi selangkah
tak ada yang buat mataku
berhenti memandang
men- capture segala yang kulihat.
naluri berkata=
i hearth the earth
and this place is such a little path of the earth
You Rock, Almighty.
There are too many things that i loved. The smell of the air, the view from any sight was really natural, i bet my rabbits love to stay here, i imagine how they run and play on the grass. So cute and funny!
I found so many species of papaya. The name of this species were really good. i mean.. Beautiful!
such as: Red Lady , Californian papaya.

Red Lady *above*--- Round fruit, just like a ball. i guessed it first was not papaya

Californian--their weight is only 1 kg guys! what an awesome scientist of biotechnology who create this froit!
I and my lovely father got really a lot of information about those papaya. Have i said to you? hmm, i bet i haven't.. My father planned to have a great garden to intense his ability of agriculture. In order to this reason, we were there!

guess it! which one is my father? Yes. The man who wears the Batik !
i was really happy to look the green plants around me at that time
i do hope i can visit it. Again and again
It is a suitable place to take Yoga
and tremendously to get a refreshing
in every single second, i do hope that i can have a place like this
Somehow, i have an intention to have an agro- recreation place like this

wah mba kayanya tempatnya bagus, banguntapan itu sleman kan? :)
BalasHapusiya tempatnya bagus. yah walau cuma perkebunan nya orang UGM, tapi asli cocok buat refreshing, Dinar :)
BalasHapusiya di Sleman. kesana aja kapan- kapan. Engga nyesel deh..