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When we got up every morning, just smile and whisper slowly and willingly: "I am okay and today will be awesome!" Spread out your love !

Well, i got my day , i mean today was like a trial of being a housewife. I found my self arranged my clothes and all the stuffs in my house. It made me tired a whole day, but i feel satisfied of what i've done. Yes, because no long anymore i'll move to Jakarta and leave my house in Klaten. I just wanna make my house to be different and make a lil change to it. Yes, this is my family:

I don't really care about those people who tried to influence me, in order to make me down, feeling useless and something else. Cause what i really care is about my family. The most incredible people in my life, yes, my family. When i feel alone, they give me another crack to get a breath. Feel free and deep. They are my spirit. Mama, Ayah, Lita, Nabila, and Ghani.

I love them more than i can say. That's all.


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