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Paulo Coelho in Aleph: Bridging The Past & The Future!

Paulo Coelho is tremendously a good writer. His writings about The Zahir always inspires me enough about relationship between two people, especially about love. I can guarantee, his book readers can go along with me.

A journey of life is a good term to simplify all the moments happened in whole life. You see sometimes a person can be in the top or peak of life. Sometimes, he or she feels like there is a gap between the expectation and the reality. Somehow, we miss something in our life then we desperately don't know what it is actually. Until, we somehow go crazy about it and feel guilty for everything because we just stuck in the place we stand and go nowhere.

This time, by Aleph, Paulo Coelho tried to persuade us to just simply decide and move on. In the time where we just think, when we just keep mourning, let the present can analyze what the best act to change the past and bring a change to future. Well, though we have tried to delete the actions we did at the past, when there is a guilty we feel, then we just simply become weak and powerless. When we try to look at the scars we got after a fighting or a storm we just cry and having a hard feeling. A past somehow for some people are the black clouds that follow them all the time, wherever it is.

At the beginning of the book, I really love to see the cover because of the layer of the tree. It symbolizes the age, the age of the certain tree. The older the tree, the more the amount of layer. It is the same with the life journey of human. Each chapter of our lives consists of certain regret or happiness. Everything will be written down on our souls. Those feelings, regrets, happiness are not easy to understand, some of us feel hard to forget, to apologize them all. Those kind of things disturb their lives and make them unbalanced though they have everything they want.

Here, in Aleph, Paulo Coelho explains the way how we can find our own kingdom again. He encourages us to simply make actions and keep moving forward then moving on! What we can do right now will change our future. That's the magic point!

Simply, decide. Change. Become. Look for our self. Step forward. Make action. Get an experiment. Achieve. Challenge. Dream. Win. Find. Commit. Think. Believe. Strengthen. Ask. Grow up. Participate.

This is the time we fulfill the need of examining how we ride on our journey of life, whether we are on the place we want, and do the things we want to do or the reverse.

I will put two- notes related to the love relationship between man and woman after reading this book.
(1)Love has some patterns, whether you call it as love or the similar things, but not all that kind of love can be united and together forever. (2) The ability to apologize is the turning point of the peace of mind and heart.

I love to write Hilal statements in the Indonesian version of the book, in the Chapter "Percayalah Sekalipun Tidak Seorang Pun Percaya Padamu":

This, inspires me so much:

This is the quotes in Aleph, i took from I definitely love how these words work in the real life.


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