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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2010

Two- Cute Angels have stolen my heart!

♥ they are angels and my saviour ♥ Sounds exaggerating, but it's interesting to see outside the windows just making sure that my youngest sister and brother are fine there. They are really cute and they are smart. Their cheeks, their laughs, their jokes, their attitudes always rejoice. Their cute smiles, their pampering, what a lovely angel. Sometimes, i find scariness in their faces when they see the lightening and hear the storm. They hide their ears under the pillows or blanket. They may be hug me or my mom to make sure that they are safe! They love to try everything new in daily life, their curiosity are unbeatable. Often, they try to turn on the gas stove, try to ride the mini- motor, or cut everything surrounding them by a hug- scissor! Actually, my sister has cut her own hair when she was 3 y.o ! My youngest sister, Nabila is really- really beautiful. She has a pair of tomatoes- cheeks! She is totally like "bule". She loves singing so much. Her favorite song is C....

My Agro- Recreation

Hi fellows. I actually didn't plan to have any recreation, but my father wanted me to accompany him on an occasion like visiting an agro- recreation place in Banguntapan, Yogyakarta a week ago. You have to visit there someday. Look at the flowers, dear ♥ I made a poem and in my real opinion, it was so hard to make this poem, but may be it would express how much i love this place: turun dari tempatku semula, bahkan tak terbayang segores pun tentang : " what will i do there?" "what will i probably capture?'" "what will i get and what will i learn?" sekejap. selangkah demi selangkah tak ada yang buat mataku berhenti memandang mengagumi memuji men- capture segala yang kulihat. naluri berkata= i hearth the earth and this place is such a little path of the earth You Rock, Almighty. There are too many things that i loved. The smell of the air, the view from any sight was really natural, i bet my rabbits love to stay here, i imagine how they run and play ...